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🏆 Updated Chat Rating and Automatic Localization for Different Channels

Some time ago, we shared news about a fresh HelpCrunch feature – Role-Based-Account-Access (RBAC). But today, a complete digest of updated chat rating news awaits you, as we’ve refreshed it in several ways. Welcome automatic localization of chat rating, separate settings for all messengers, and a new 5-point rating scale.

What’s changed exactly?

For a long time, only one chat rating setting was available for all channels. Additionally, clients from different countries saw surveys in messengers only in the language of your organization’s registration. Moreover, the rating system itself was exclusively 3-point and didn’t allow changing emojis or text. We’ve changed all of this!

📝 Flexible settings

Previously, setting a chat rating was standardized for all communication channels. Now, you can customize ratings separately for each channel, even for each connected messenger or bot. And all this is on one page for convenience.

HelpCrunch live chat customer satisfaction rating settings

🔄 Automatic localization

Now, ratings in messengers automatically adapt to each user’s language. Clients will see ratings in their language* regardless of the organization’s registration location. 

*except Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp, as their API doesn’t allow tracking the user’s language. We monitor updates to these APIs and will enable multiple localizations as soon as possible. 

Currently, only one localization can be activated for the mentioned messengers, but as in other messengers (Telegram and Viber), you can change the text and emojis of ratings. To do this, go to Settings → Channels → select the channel (for example, Facebook/Instagram) → click on the specific messenger/bot in the table → go to the “Localization” section

For greater customization to your tone of voice, we’ve added options to change emojis 💅 in messenger chat ratings or add text.

HelpCrunch live chat customer satisfaction rating localization settings

🏆 New 5-point chat rating

We’ve added the option of a 5-point chat rating scale so users can express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction in more detail. The new settings also allow choosing the direction of chat ratings — from best to worst or vice versa.

HelpCrunch live chat customer satisfaction rating scale settings

These updates aim to improve your experience with our product and your users’ experience. So, we encourage you to try it out right away! 🏃

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